Fundamentals of management smith pdf

Welcome to the Student Area of the Online Learning Centre for Fundamentals of Management, Second Edition by Mike Smith.

The 2nd Edition of Fundamentals of Management covers what every business student needs to know for their management module, through presentation of core concepts, to toolkits and exercises to apply the key ideas to practice.


The Student Centre for this title provides access to a number of essential resources for studying using this textbook. This includes self-tests, a guide to taking tests, essay model answers, bonus content on additional management topics and exercises.

Follow the links on the left to start exploring the resources. Good luck with your studies!

Welcome to the Lecturer Area of the Online Learning Centre for Fundamentals of Management, Second Edition by Mike Smith.

The Second Edition of Fundamentals of Management covers what every business student needs to know for their management module, through presentation of core concepts, toolkits and exercises.


The Lecturer Centre for this title contains PowerPoint presentations for each chapter created for the book, a guide to structuring a module with the textbook, and a comprehensive test bank of questions for tests and assessments.


If you are considering using Fundamentals of Management for course adoption, you can request a complementary lecturer copy by clicking here and filling in the online form.

Please note that lecturer copies can only be sent to college or university addresses within Europe, the Middle East or Africa. Lecturers outside these regions should contact their respective International Office.

To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center.
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