Tax preparer penalties

Attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents or anyone who gets paid to prepare tax returns may owe a penalty if they don’t follow tax laws, rules and regulations.

We mail you a notice or letter if you owe a penalty, and charge monthly interest until you pay the amount you owe in full.

On this page

What to do if you got an IRS notice or letter

Check the information on the notice or letter is correct. The notice or letter has information about the penalty, the reason for the charge and what to do next. Follow the instructions.

If you can correct an issue in the notice, there may be no penalty. If the information is not correct, or you don’t agree, you may be able to dispute the penalty or request a refund.

How we calculate the penalty

We may calculate tax preparer penalties based on:

Penalties and regulations

Get details on tax preparer penalties with the tax law in Title 26 of the U.S. Code in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).

Understatement of taxpayer's liability

Applies to tax preparers who understate taxpayers’ liabilities on tax returns:

Tax law: IRC Section 6694

Other assessable penalties

Applies to tax preparers who fail to follow rules and regulations when preparing a tax return: