Statement of purpose

Your statement of purpose describes what you do, where you do it and who you do it for.

All registered providers must have an accurate, up-to-date statement of purpose. It is a legal requirement (see guidance on Regulation 12: Statement of purpose).

What your statement of purpose must include

Your statement of purpose must include the following information:

About your business

Your aims and objectives

These are your aims and objectives in providing the activities we regulate at the locations you operate.

Places where you provide services

We call these locations. For each of your locations, your statement of purpose must record:

Your registered managers

For each of your registered managers, your statement of purpose must include:

Applying for a new registration

You apply online for your registration. Our new registration application system identifies information in your application that is also needed in your statement of purpose.

We ask you to complete a section describing the aims and objectives for your proposed service. This is specifically for your statement of purpose.

If we approve your registration application the system creates your statement of purpose.

Changing your registration details

If you make changes to your service or to your registration you may need to update your statement of purpose. You must keep your statement of purpose up-to-date and notify us of any changes.

Update your statement of purpose

Follow these steps:

  1. Use your existing statement of purpose.
  2. Update your statement of purpose with the new information
  3. Notify us of the change to your statement of purpose and email a copy of your updated statement of purpose with your notification.
  4. Keep your statement of purpose in a safe place.

Templates for your statement of purpose

You may find it helpful to record changes on one or more of these templates.

To record the relevant information about your business.