Appeal Process

As of Feb. 15, 2023, all citation appeals must be submitted via electronic submission through the Purdue Parking Portal. Review the information below regarding the payment or appeal timeline, steps to appeal a citation and penalties for outstanding citations.


Anyone who receives a citation must either pay the citation or appeal the violation using the steps below within 10 business days of the formal notice. No appeal will be accepted or heard by any appellate body unless filed within this time period.

Additional information about the timeline to pay citations for denied appeals is included below.

Appeal Steps

  1. Visit the Purdue Parking Portal at (opens in a new window or tab)
  2. Select either "Login" or "Signup" from the top right corner and follow the prompts on screen
  3. Enter the citation number from the front of your printed citation, then select "Search Citations"
  4. Select "Appeal" then complete the on screen prompts, including the appeal type and violation type from the drop-down menus, then select "Submit"
  5. A submission receipt will be sent to the email address associated with your Purdue Parking Portal account, and you have the option to print it from the the displayed screen

An appeals officer will review your submitted appeal, and a decision will be sent to you via email.

Second Appeals

If an initial appeal is denied, you may either pay the citation or submit a second appeal following the same timeline and steps listed above. Be sure to select the appropriate appeal type in Step 4. Your second appeal will automatically be routed for next steps.

Failure to appear at your scheduled hearing will result in the parking citation being automatically upheld with no further appeal process available. If the citation is upheld for any reason, it must be paid within the established timeframe.


Your second appeal will be forwarded to the Staff Appeal Board. The Staff Appeal Board will email you with their ruling, and you will either need to pay the citation or arrange for a personal appearance before the board within 10 business days.


Your second appeal will be forwarded to the Student Court who will notify you through email about a date and time to appear in person. If the Student Court is not in session, the Parking manager acts on its behalf.

Outstanding Citations

All past due citations will incur a $10 late payment penalty.

No new parking permits may be purchased by the violator until all outstanding citations and late penalties are paid.

Additionally, students with unpaid parking citations will have one or more holds placed on their academic record. This may restrict the receipt of financial aid funds, diplomas or other actions.